Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library



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Knjižnica Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja
Metelkova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 300 8766

Although the Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library was established in 1923 together with the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, the library collection is nevertheless older, as it was transferred from the Provincial Museum of Carniola at its establishment. Today, the library houses over 25,000 units of Slovene and foreign monographs and periodicals from the fields of ethnology, anthropology, museology, conservation and restoration. The library exchanges publications with around 200 domestic and international libraries.

Publications are accessible for borrowing or reference; the older books and periodicals can be used in the reading room. Information on library collection is accessible on the COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library.

See also

External links

Knjižnica Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja +
Knjižnica Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 2 +
Although the Slovene Ethnographic Museum LibraryAlthough the Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library was established in 1923 together with the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, the library collection is nevertheless older, as it was transferred from the Provincial Museum of Carniola at its establishment.l Museum of Carniola at its establishment. +
Although the Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library was established in 1923 together with the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, the library collection is nevertheless older, as it was transferred from the Provincial Museum of Carniola at its establishment. +
+386 / 1 300 8766 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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